About Us
Hi, my name is Sirah, and I'm the owner / wearer-of-many-hats for Vintner's Reserve.
Vintner's Reserve was founded in 2017 in Lexington, KY, and looked a lot different than it does now. As an avid indie cosmetics and perfume consumer myself, and a wine lover, I struggled to find a wine note in perfumes that fully encapsulated the true scent and taste experience that wine can be. Every note I tried smelled like grape, and most wine doesn't smell or taste like grapes at all. And so, I set out for a solution.
Before the company was born, I'd actually had a dream about a successful business venture coming from wine-scented bath bombs. Which sounds corny, I know. I was also engaged to a winemaker (also known as a vintner) at the time, who had an idea for selling wine-scented candles at his winery. I combined the two visions, and Vintner's Reserve was born.
And as they do, things changed. The candle side of the business struggled to take off on Etsy, and the bath bombs did better, but there was still a lot of room for the company to grow. Then for Christmas of that year, I decided to take our scents to create perfumes and lotions for my two best friends, and they were a hit. I was also inspired a bit from my work to branch into hand sanitizers. Working on an inpatient psychiatric unit, we carry our hand sanitizer with us rather than in pumps on the wall. The ones our hospital provided were drying, it was a refreshing break in the day to smell something that wasn't my unit, and they were wildly popular with my coworkers.
I decided to try out all of these products on Etsy, and with the help of the Indie community, Vintner's Reserve started to grow into what it is today. The product catalogue has expanded, and our scent list is now so much more than just wine, while still staying true to the original vision of creating a story that all started with wine.
And now, a little about me. I grew up in Dayton, OH and moved to Lexington in 2012 to attend the University of Kentucky. On top of doing all things Vintner's Reserve, I also work full-time as a nurse in one of Kentucky's three state psychiatric hospitals, and I recently began the journey towards my doctorate in nursing practice. I have four "helpers" who supervise me while I'm doing computer work or packing orders to ship (don't worry, they're never allowed in the workshop where product creation takes place): my two dogs Polo and Callie, and my two cats Pinot and Zin(fandel).